Friday, August 11, 2006


The subject of today's blog is toilet paper. I'm not sure why, the thought just came to me when I was...well, yeah. You get it. Which way do you prefer your toilet paper? Under or Over? Does it matter? Personally, I could care less, but apparently for some folks, this is a big deal.

Facts about TP:
  • The average person uses approximately 57 sheets of TP per day
  • In Pendleton, Oregon, a church used Angel Soft TP as a fundraiser to send 18 members on a missions trip to Costa Rica
  • There is at least one person in the world that collects toilet paper, her oldest roll dates back to 1898

TP Links:

Custom toilet paper with pictures or words - Even monogrammed!

TP Crafts!

Talking roll holder


Blogger Amanda G. said...

OVER!!! no contest - it's the only way to go!

6:14 PM  
Blogger Amanda G. said...

can you spare a square?

57 sheets/day seems like alot. If you go 6 times, that's like 9 squares each time you go. Add to that the guys don't use any TP for many of their trips to the porceillion throne... somebody's using a lot of paper!

8:48 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

In that Simpsons episode where child services takes the kids away and puts them in the Flanders' foster care, the list of offenses includes, "Toilet paper hung in improper overhand fashion." That always cracks me up.

But yeah, I don't understand underhand rolling. I don't want to reach that extra two inches to get to the back of the roll.

6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

over, it spins clockwise so it must be the way (guess depends which side you're looking at it)
doesn't really matter much as long as there is enough left on the roll to get the job done
by the way, Amy didn't always have enough left when it really mattered back in STL

6:45 PM  
Blogger Sweet Cactus said...

where is the love?? I always had plenty of TP!

6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OVER THE TOP is the ONLY way! Proof enough... remember T.P when it had a printed pattern on it? You wouldn't be able to see the pattern coming out if you put the roll on the WRONG way... "underhand."

Another TP question posed by a local radio station: "Are you a wadder or a folder?" Do people really take the time to FOLD the TP? C'mon!

10:30 AM  

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