Sunday, August 05, 2007

Cactus Gets Philisophical

Life Lessons From Frogger
1. The beginning of the road is easy. Things move slowly and predictably. Things get progressively more difficult.
2. Pushing the joystick forward and taking the first step on your own is the worst.
3. Just when you get to the yellow safety zone at the middle of the screen, its time to move again.
4. Don't stand still too long or time will run out and you will die.
5. The little lillipads are tricks. They pop up at perfect times when you think you need them. Then they disappear when you land on them, killing you. Friendships sometimes work like this.
6. There will be cars that will try to push you out of the way to get ahead. Don't let them.
7. Approach each new game screen with an open mind. Assume nothing and don't always take someone else's word.
8. When things are going well, don't let it all get to your head and jump too quickly. You might throw yourself into the water.
9. Whatever you do, don't lose sight of the goal at the top.
10. If you get run over, GET BACK UP and start again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE this!! Really cool to see life from the "frogger" perspective. And the feet in front of the screen were definitely a nice touch :)


10:16 PM  

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