Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Blog Has Been Revived ! !

Above: Lazytown, USA
Rosco (foster dog) is the one in the front

Here's what I haven't blogged about in the last 4 or so months:

The Goods

-I'm still working on my M.Ed and plan to be finished in 3/08
-I'm no longer with Andrew. 'Nuff said.
-I moved into a rental house and now have all of my belongings from STL
-I completed my first year of teaching Special Ed.
-I love life in Arizona
-I'm attempting to manage my weight (I refuse to say diet)
-I dusted off my old Atari 2600 and am having a ball
-Both dogs are healthy
-I'm de-cluttering my life and selling lots of stuff on Ebay
-Nearly everything from the robbery was replaced

The Not-So-Goods

-My mom is terribly jealous that I live near my dad. We haven't spoken in several months.
-Because of work and school, I only have a few good friends
-A moron hit my pretty car, but paid for it
-My "good" cholesterol isn't good enough and I have to take fish oil pills. ICKY!!!
-I have a foster dog that I can't find a home for
-My last electric bill was over $200!! UGHHHH!! It evens out in the winter though.

More to come --- promise.


Blogger Amanda G. said...

all in all, your good are pretty darn good. I miss ya though, and I wish you'd come back. I guess that will just have to go on my "not-so-good" be it.

Congrats on finishing a year of teaching. That's hard for anyone, but given all that happened to you last year, you deserve a pat on the back for making it through.

I love yas, poxy!

10:11 PM  

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