Woof You!

I spent this evening like many others, at the local dog park. This is a favorite destination of mine, not just for my sake, but for my two dogs, W and S. The subject of this blog isn't W or S, but a problem canine, "E."
E's owner is a twenty-something petite, nice girl. E, however makes the hairs on my arms stand up. About two months ago I met E. He was nasty. E's owner had him neutered, hoping the problem would lessen or go away. I should have questioned the intelligence level of E's owner when she brought him the day after surgery, complete with the e-collar on his head. How humiliating. Poor E had to face the fellow boys at the dogpark after his balls were chopped off. WOOF THAT!
E's behavior hasn't improved. When E and his owner aren't around, the other dog owners talk about her and how nasty E is to their dogs. She has been shunned by the dog park regulars, who immediately summon their dogs when they catch sight of E. She has been bringing him regularly to the dogpark, despite his issues, with a muzzle on. He still lunges and acts psycho towards the dogs. WOOF THAT!
This weekend I found myself sitting next to E's owner. Curious, I asked if she was doing any training with him. She stated "no time." Um, pardon me, but isn't this a waste of time to be at the dogpark when your dog has to stay on a leash, muzzled the entire time? I really don't believe that E's behavior is his fault, but the fault of his owner. There's nothing fun or positive for the poor guy. I offered to help her find a behaviorist, she muttered something like "I can google it." Okay, I can see when my help isn't needed.
Lady, WOOF YOU. Get some help before E hurts someone. If E ever hurts either of my dogs, you'll be WOOFIN all the way to the hospital after I kick your WOOFIN WOOF.
And since I'm already going off on you, please bring E some WOOFIN water in a bowl. This is Arizona, and dogs get WOOFIN thirsty - especially when drooling over which dog to attack next. I find it funny you always remember your WOOFIN Snapple, but nothing for E. Use your WOOFIN brain!
what a stupid woofer!
Maybe the dog's owner should be utilizing her "dog park time" for training time, INSTEAD. Does she not recognize her dog has ISSUES? Isn't it possible to let the parks department know there's a problem-guest and ask them to say or do something in this regard?
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