Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Blog while sitting in class...

An Atari Nerd!

My sister received the Atari 2600 many moons ago, sometime in the 70's or early 80's. The Atari was eventually passed down to me. I played it and quickly lost interest. The Atari went into hibernation. I dusted it off my freshman year in college (1996) and again, it went into hibernation. Seven years later, I've again dusted it off. I found a store in Phoenix that sells cartridges for .50 each. Rock on. I bought 31 (I had 25 or so before). None of my games are highly valuable, but one is a rarity level 5 out of 10. Not too bad.

Here are a few interesting facts about the Atari 2600:

-the game system is referred to as a "woody" because of the design. The nickname for the system is "stella"

-a company called "Mystique" actually created adult atari games. "Women against Pornography" protested. See them here: http://www.atariage.com/company_page.html?SystemID=2600&CompanyID=12

-you can use Sega Genesis controllers on the Atari 2600

-Atari buried 5 million unsold copies of E.T. in the New Mexico desert.

-there are a few funny game titles I found: Crackpots, Tax Invaders, Bloody Human Freeway, Chase the Chuck Wagon, Earth Dies Screaming, I Want My Mommy, Miss Piggy's Wedding, Texas Chainsaw Massacure

Monday, July 30, 2007

Here's how to make a comment to the blog...

At the end of the blog message, you'll see a date/time stamp.

To the right of the date/time, click on "comments."

Type your comment in the box and scroll down to "choose your identity."

If you do not have a blog, select "other" and you'll be able to type in your name. Or you can click anonymous and make me wonder who posted it. ;)

Blogger automatically notifies me when a message is left.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Blog Has Been Revived ! !

Above: Lazytown, USA
Rosco (foster dog) is the one in the front

Here's what I haven't blogged about in the last 4 or so months:

The Goods

-I'm still working on my M.Ed and plan to be finished in 3/08
-I'm no longer with Andrew. 'Nuff said.
-I moved into a rental house and now have all of my belongings from STL
-I completed my first year of teaching Special Ed.
-I love life in Arizona
-I'm attempting to manage my weight (I refuse to say diet)
-I dusted off my old Atari 2600 and am having a ball
-Both dogs are healthy
-I'm de-cluttering my life and selling lots of stuff on Ebay
-Nearly everything from the robbery was replaced

The Not-So-Goods

-My mom is terribly jealous that I live near my dad. We haven't spoken in several months.
-Because of work and school, I only have a few good friends
-A moron hit my pretty car, but paid for it
-My "good" cholesterol isn't good enough and I have to take fish oil pills. ICKY!!!
-I have a foster dog that I can't find a home for
-My last electric bill was over $200!! UGHHHH!! It evens out in the winter though.

More to come --- promise.