Sunday, September 24, 2006

36 Hours Post Op - Update

Okay, so I woke up during the night and I had apparently wrestled the dweeby goggles off. I'm hoping I didn't rub my eyes in my sleep!

I can see about 70% or so. Although I could probably see well enough to drive, I decided to play it safe and stay home today. A friend came over for dinner, and that was the most exciting thing that occurred all day. (thanks Laura!)

The funky feeling of something foreign in my eyes is better today. I'm still using lots of lubricating drops - dry eyes are no fun at all. I can keep my eyes open for much longer without discomfort. I have a follow up appointment tomorrow where I'll get my eyes tested for the first time. I'm looking forward to that (and also the hot young doctor that will probably be the one doing it).

Adios, Amigos.


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